Enhancing Information Systems and Technologies at a Manufacturing Enterprise to Improve the Practical Efficiency of Financial, Managerial Accounting, and Audit





accounting, audit, information systems, technologies, financial accounting, management accounting, efficiency, software product


In modern business conditions of manufacturing enterprises, managers need to constantly monitor modern trends in the use of automated software products capable of increasing the effectiveness of the practical component of financial and management accounting and auditing. Software products that were used until recently, due to the full-scale invasion of an enemy country on the territory of Ukraine, became prohibited, which significantly increased the urgency of the search for domestic information systems and technologies suitable for ensuring record-keeping, auditing and making effective management decisions. Therefore, the study of the issue of finding ways to improve information systems and technologies of a manufacturing enterprise in order to increase the effectiveness of the practical component of financial and management accounting and auditing is currently very relevant. The purpose of using modern information systems and technologies is to provide timely, up-to-date, complete, concise, accurate and continuous information, which will ensure financial and management accounting in accordance with the requirements of legislation and high efficiency of management decision-making. The work describes the ways of improving the information systems and technologies of the manufacturing enterprise with the aim of increasing the efficiency of the practical component of financial and management accounting and auditing, which make it possible to: determine the strategy for the implementation and use of information systems; choose a more suitable domestic software product for financial and management accounting; to try in practice to adjust the used software products to the modern requirements of the practice of financial and management accounting. It has been investigated that the proposed step-by-step approach to the process of improving information systems and technologies of a manufacturing enterprise will ensure the rationality, continuity and adequacy of implementations with minimal costs and maximum economic effect from the use of software products in the practice of financial and management accounting and auditing.

Author Biographies

Larysa Ptitsyna, Zaporizhzhia National University

Candidate of Economic Sciences

Olena Mikhailutsa, Zaporizhzhia National University

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor

Arthur Manin, Zaporizhzhia National University

Master's student


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