Optimizing IT Project Management in Ukraine's Aviation Sector: Challenges, Opportunities, and Strategic Insights





aviation industry, IT project management, flexible methodologies, public-private partnership, innovation strategy, SWOT analysis, artificial intelligence, digital transformation, integration into the economy, IT project management model


The Ukrainian aviation industry is undergoing digital transformation; however, the pace remains behind global and European standards due to several challenges. These include limited funding, a lack of skilled IT professionals, and a slow rate of modern technology adoption. The research, titled "Optimizing IT Project Management in Ukraine’s Aviation Sector: Challenges, Opportunities, and Strategic Insights," addresses the urgent need for improvements in IT project management to enhance efficiency, competitiveness, and technological advancement within the aviation sector in Ukraine. This article analyzes the sector's current challenges, including insufficient government and private sector investment, internet infrastructure issues, and a shortage of IT specialists. It also identifies opportunities in areas like automation, digitization, and the potential for public-private collaborations. The study's primary objective is to develop and evaluate an optimal IT project management framework tailored to Ukraine’s aviation industry. This framework aims to optimize resource usage, integrate modern technologies like AI, automation, and cybersecurity, and improve global competitiveness. Furthermore, the research offers a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) analysis of Ukraine’s aviation IT landscape, benchmarking it against European standards. A substantial gap exists between Ukraine and Europe regarding IT investment and automation, with European countries leading in adopting AI-driven systems, enhanced cybersecurity, and automated business and customer service processes. To bridge this divide, the study proposes an optimized IT project management model focused on strategic priorities such as investment in skill development, strengthening public-private partnerships, enhancing cybersecurity, implementing agile work methods, and supporting innovation through government initiatives. In conclusion, the study underscores that enhancing IT project management in Ukraine’s aviation industry is crucial for maintaining global competitiveness and improving operational efficiency. The proposed model offers actionable insights to address current challenges while capitalizing on new opportunities, thereby ensuring resilience in the face of ongoing global digitization and technological advancements.

Author Biographies

Zinaida Zhyvko, Flight Academy of National Aviation University

Doctor of Science in Economics, Professor

Mykhailo Zhyvko, Scientific Center of Innovative Research

Junior Researcher

Anastasiia Shehynska, Scientific Center of Innovative Research

Junior Researcher


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Economics and management