Methods of settlements accounting with accountable persons in public sector institutions
accountable persons, business trip, public sector institution, account correspondence, accounting organization procedureAbstract
The article highlights the methodical aspects of the reflection in the accounting system of settlements with accountable persons in public sector institutions. Based on the analysis of scientific works and the legal framework, the definition of the concept of "responsible persons" has been specified. Aspects of distinguishing between the concepts of "business trip" and "traveling nature of work" are given. The concept of "business trip" and the procedure for its documentation in a public sector institution are highlighted. The subject, purpose, object, subject and tasks of the organization of accounting of settlements with accountable persons in public sector institutions were defined and characterized. The subject of the system of accounting for settlements with accountable persons is the economic transactions of settlement relations that determine the movement of funds, while covering the process of the main (statutory) activity of public sector institutions. The purpose of accounting for settlements with accountable persons is the formation of accounting information for internal and external users about the amount of current debt and its maturity status. The object of accounting is debt due to settlements with accountable persons, and the subject is accounting employees. It has been proven that travel expenses belong to other non-exchange transactions and affect the financial result of the implementation of the budget for the reporting period in public sector institutions. Mandatory items that must be included in the business trip order are specified. The procedure for the acceptance by the financial service of the public sector institution of the advance report on the spent accountable amounts and the return of the balance of the advance by the accountable person was considered. The typical correspondence of accounting accounts for the accounting of settlements with accountable persons in public sector institutions and the method of their display in the financial reporting system are presented. The study of the methodology of accounting with accountable persons makes it possible to conclude that the rational organization of accounting of settlements with accountable persons requires detailed information on each stage of the accounting process.
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