Theoretic al and practical aspects of the audit of financial statements as a way identifying threats to the financial security of the enterprise in the conditions of martial law




audit, monitoring, financial security, threat to financial security, financial condition, financial reporting


Martial law on the territory of Ukraine and full-scale hostilities on a significant territory of the state have become a challenge for most spheres and branches of the national economy. The government is aware of the complexity of the situation of Ukrainian enterprises in the conditions of martial law and legislated relaxations in the issue of submission, publication and audit of financial statements. However, the analysis of the scientific literature on the issue of ensuring the appropriate level of financial security of the enterprise makes it possible to determine that the lack of constant audit and timely identification of threats to financial security can cause the loss of financial balance at the enterprise. Therefore, the issue of auditing financial statements as a means of identifying threats to the financial security of an enterprise in the conditions of martial law is becoming extremely urgent. Taking into account the relevance of the research area, the purpose of the research is the specification of theoretical provisions and the development of practical recommendations regarding the implementation of the audit of financial statements as a way of identifying threats to the financial security of the enterprise in the conditions of martial law. In the process of analyzing financial security, one of the key issues is understanding the essence of the threat to the company's financial security. The paper identifies the sources of the occurrence of the specified threats and outlines the possible directions for early diagnosis of these threats. Also, in the work, in the process of achieving the goal of the research, it was established that during the period of martial law, when enterprises do not have the opportunity to conduct a full-fledged audit of financial statements, it is rational to focus attention on conducting internal monitoring of the financial state, which will allow timely detection of threats to financial security and create a basis for making management decisions aimed at ensuring a sufficient level of financial security. The work also developed and substantiated the principles on which the system of internal financial monitoring should be built. It has been proven that during the period of martial law, when there are restrictions on the submission and publication of financial statements, enterprises are still interested in analyzing the financial situation and identifying potential threats to financial security.

Author Biography

Olena Dubynska, Donbass State Engineering Academy

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor


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Accounting and taxation