Accounting consulting as a "soft technology" for supporting the development of small and medium-sized businesses




accounting consulting, small and medium business, business management, risk, economic relations


Medium and small businesses are an integral and strategically important part of the state's economy. However, business development requires making informed decisions regarding finances, compliance with financial reporting and tax legislation, and minimizing risks in this process. It is generally accepted that accounting provides business owners with a wealth of financial information and insight that enables them to make high-level and quality decisions. Ukraine has a fairly strong sector of small and medium-sized businesses. But small and medium-sized businesses lack the resources, expertise or time to effectively manage their finances. Therefore, partnering with a trusted accounting firm can provide the support, guidance and expertise you need to achieve your goals. The purpose of the study is to outline the practical areas of further development of accounting consulting as a "soft technology" supporting the development of small and medium-sized businesses. It is proven that accounting has changed with the advent of technology. Now, the accountant has the responsibility and obligation to make his profession identified by society and entrepreneurs as a profession that uses knowledge and technology to ensure greater security and reliability of organizations. It is important to note that data is a powerful decision-making tool in the digital age. Data-driven decision-making enables clear and specific opportunities to be identified and risks to be mitigated. The article presents points of view regarding the attitude of business owners to the possibility of consulting. To strengthen the argumentation, the results of a survey on the areas of business consulting of entrepreneurs, determined by them themselves, are presented. The general trend regarding prospective expectations of entrepreneurs regarding accounting consulting has been established. Statistical data on the dynamics of business entities working in the field of accounting and auditing; tax consulting is presented. The spheres of accounting consulting as "soft technology" supporting the development of domestic small and medium-sized businesses are substantiated.

Author Biography

Natalia Iershova, National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute"

Doctor of Science in Economics, Professor


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Accounting and taxation