Digital responsibility of companies: Economic essence of the concept and conceptual approaches




еconomics, concept, digital, responsibility, companies, innovation, competitiveness, rules


This article discusses the concept of «digital responsibility» and its economic content. The modern world relies on digital technologies that transform the way companies and society operate. Digital innovations allow to optimize business processes, increase productivity and create new opportunities for development. But with these benefits come challenges. One of them is the issue of digital responsibility. This concept encompasses the responsibility of companies and organizations for the consequences of their digital activities. It includes aspects of data security, privacy protection, ethical use of artificial intelligence, and the impact on society and the environment. The article analyzes the economic dimension of digital responsibility. According to the study, companies that actively implement the principles of digital responsibility have advantages in the competitive environment. They position themselves as ethical and socially responsible players, which helps to improve their image and attract customers. Regulation of digital responsibility at the level of the state and the international community is an extremely important aspect of digital governance in the modern world. The increasing influence of digital technologies on all spheres of life requires appropriate rules and standards to ensure the security, transparency and efficiency of the digital environment. Effective regulation of digital liability can stimulate innovation in digital technologies. When companies and organizations feel that their digital activities are regulated and monitored, it encourages them to develop and implement ethical and responsible practices. This may include measures to protect user data, use artificial intelligence effectively, and have a balanced impact on society. In addition, digital responsibility regulation helps to avoid risks and negative consequences of digital activities. Protecting users' privacy, fighting cybercrime, and preventing the spread of disinformation and harmful content become more effective thanks to legal norms and liability mechanisms.

Author Biographies

Inna Makarenko, Sumy State University

Doctor of Science in Economics, Professor

Artem Rudychenko, Sumy State University



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