The state and development directions for human resources management in the public sector


  • Alexandra Ildikó Varga University Of Debrecen, Hungary



human resource management, public sector, development, training, strategy, competence, performance measurement


In order to ensure organizational efficiency and competitiveness resulting from human work, continuous development of human resource management is necessary, regardless of whether it is a profit-oriented or non-profit organization. In Hungary, the importance of this was recognized after the turn of the millennium, but since then, many significant steps have been taken in order to catch up with the competition in this regard as well. More and more people are recognizing the importance of the human resource management area, in the competitiveness of companies. The public sector employs almost 10% of the labor market, so it can be reformed at the system level over a long period of time, but partial results are constantly needed. In the past, one of the main means of dealing with human resource management problems in the public sector has been, and will continue to be, the appropriate training of employees. It is clear that there are still systematic deficiencies today, however, by reallocating a significant amount from domestic and European Union sources, they effectively began the development of human resources - with particular attention to ensuring the training and further training of the workforce. The study covers already identified system-level problems, areas to be developed, and provides insight into planned developments that have already been successfully implemented and are yet to be implemented. Economy and efficiency play an important role in the operation of all economic organizations, however, the public sector is also in a special position in this regard. Efficiency in the public sector is particularly important because it is ultimately not only in the interest of the state, but also important for every citizen individually, because if the skills and abilities of the workforce can be used effectively, and well-educated, well-motivated employees are employed in the public sector, then the use of the country's public money can be made more efficient, i.e. the use of the money paid by taxpayers improves.

Author Biography

Alexandra Ildikó Varga, University Of Debrecen, Hungary

PhD hallgató Debreceni Egyetem Debrecen, Magyarország


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National and regional economy