Organization of managerial accounting for operating cash flows
cash, management accounting, organization of management accounting, operational activity, cash flowAbstract
Cash is important for the organization of economic activity of any enterprise. Information on cash is fully disclosed in the Cash Flow Report, the form of which is an appendix to NP(S)BO 1 "General requirements for financial reporting". The cash flow report gives the user of accounting information an answer to the question: why does the company have such a cash balance at the end of the reporting period; how the movement of money in terms of types of activities affected cash balances; how to assess the state of the company's cash balances; what can be done to increase cash in the balance, what is the risk of a decrease in cash inflows, what is the risk of excess cash in bank accounts. The information of static financial reporting does not provide an opportunity to determine cash receipts and cash expenditures for certain management decisions. That is why the question arises of organizing management accounting at the enterprise at the operational and strategic levels. The method of operational management accounting is developed by the head of a special analytical department of the enterprise, or by an individual employee who is delegated similar functional duties. The enterprise may issue an internal instructional document on management accounting for various sections of the accounting process. One of these extremely important areas for the enterprise is the organization of management accounting of funds. During the reporting period, cash is in constant motion, namely: it comes to the enterprise and goes out for a certain purpose. Operating activity accounts for the largest movement of money in terms of activity. The article describes the method of forecasting cash receipts from the sale of goods based on the analysis of shipment volumes and cash receipts for shipped goods. Forms of management reporting for building a predictive model of the Cash Flow Report are proposed. When calculating forecast indicators, the forms of management reporting may change, depending on the needs of management personnel for analytical information. Therefore, each indicator can have its own analytical table, which is developed at each individual enterprise and is a commercial secret. The final stage of cash flow forecast calculations is the compilation of a Cash Flow Report model.
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