Types of modern economic analysis and their characteristics





types of economic analysis, modern economic analysis, managerial analysis, strategic analysis, operational analysis, intellectual analysis


Analysis is a management function that involves the assessment and identification of internal reserves in order to develop a development scenario in a competitive environment. The purpose of the study is to consider modern types of economic analysis regarding the effective assessment of the results of business entities, identification of opportunities for their development, the emergence of new varieties capable of satisfying management requests and contributing to the adoption of operational and effective management decisions taking into account modern challenges. The types of economic analysis are singled out, their specificity and focus, the causes of their occurrence, as well as modern directions of development are characterized. The tasks of internal and external economic analysis, its functions in the formation of economic information for making effective management decisions regarding the development of a business entity in a competitive environment have been clarified. The main problems of the functioning of the economic analysis in modern conditions have been identified, the consideration of which will allow us to quickly adapt to new challenges and choose the most effective management solutions with maximum consideration of possible risks. The main modern requirements for economic analysis have been identified, including those related to its focus on the process of automation and the use of IT to optimize the time for making management decisions (especially in crisis situations). It is substantiated that the main target direction of various types of economic analysis in modern conditions consists in directing efforts to conduct qualitative analytical work on the assessment of activity on the basis of the use of both traditional and new methods and tools. The main currently existing types of economic analysis were studied and the application of each of them in the process of management activity (of different levels) at economic entities was substantiated. It is summarized that the modern types of economic analysis that need clarification and development are managerial, strategic, institutional and intellectual analysis.

Author Biography

Tetiana Portovaras, Western Ukrainian National University

Candidate of economic sciences, doctoral student of the Department of Accounting and Taxation


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Accounting and taxation