Methodological basis for constructing the accounting of non-financial assets in state institutions
methodology, accounting, non-financial assets, state institution, economic transactionAbstract
Based on the results of a properly formed accounting organization and the chosen accounting policy, appropriate methods of accounting for non-financial assets are formed in state institutions, respectively, according to various accounting conditions and features. The purpose of the article is to study the methodological foundations of accounting for non-financial assets of state institutions taking into account NP(S)BODS, MSBODS, as well as the peculiarities of the functioning of state institutions in the economic system, with the development of recommendations for their improvement and development. Both general scientific and special methods were used to study the methodological foundations of accounting for non-financial assets of state institutions. In particular, generalization and grouping - in the formation of the structural-logical scheme of the methodology of non-financial assets and the algorithm of the methodology of the construction of accounting in state institutions, analysis and synthesis - were used in the study of scientific and normative-legal literature, as well as the logical and empirical method in determining the relationships of influence factors on accounting methodology. According to the results of the analysis of scientific views and practical activities of state institutions, it was summarized and determined that the accounting methodology of state institutions is the rational functioning of the accounting system in accordance with the defined organization of accounting and the chosen accounting policy of the state institution. Accounting methods are the key elements of the methodological foundations of accounting for non-financial assets of public sector entities. That is why accounting methodology depends on a significant number of components, which should be determined at the first stages of building an accounting system. The main elements and their relationship are presented through the structural and logical scheme of the accounting methodology of non-financial assets, among which the purpose, subject, subject, object and task of accounting are distinguished. Based on the properly defined and substantiated main elements of the accounting methodology in the public sector institution, the algorithm of the methodology for building the accounting of non-financial assets was modeled. The algorithm of the accounting methodology of non-financial assets largely depends on the peculiarities of the accounting organization and the chosen methods, methods, and techniques for accounting and reporting.
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