Investment attractiveness of regions in Ukraine: problems, recommendations, prospects
investment attractiveness, region, state, strategy, capital, differentiation, innovationAbstract
The materials of the scientific research present information on the analysis of the level of investment attractiveness of the regions of Ukraine, taking into account the current complex economic situation and military actions on the territory of the state. Information on the volume of capital investments by region of Ukraine for the period of the last 10 years is presented. Significant disproportional fluctuations in the amount of investment capital during a certain period of time in various regions of the state were revealed. It was determined that there are significant problematic aspects in the distribution of part of the internal and external investment capital in connection with the disproportionality of the regional development of the state and globalization shifts.
The main research methods used in the research were general economic and special scientific methods, including the abstract method, analysis and synthesis, as well as the statistical method.
In addition, the article defines the strategically important role and progressiveness of innovative support for the formation and development of the investment attractiveness of the regions of the state in the context of transformational shifts and economic fluctuations.
In the materials of the scientific research, a complex of appropriate measures in the direction of attracting investment capital and increasing the level of investment attractiveness of the regions of Ukraine is defined in detail, the key problems of effective investment development of the regions of Ukraine in the long term are identified, namely: development of investment passports and their placement on community websites; development by communities of spatial planning schemes of their own territory; development of regional programs for the development of investment activity with the involvement of business and the public; cooperation with international organizations involved in supporting investment attraction processes; development of regional investment programs, formation and implementation of regional development budgets; state infrastructure support: development of logistics infrastructure, financing of investments and innovations from the state budget, etc.
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