Intellectual property rights as a restriction factor of innovative activity in agriculture
intellectual property rights, innovative development, agriculture, UkraineAbstract
Innovation is the driver of further scientific and technological progress and is now the key to the efficiency of the economic system. The desire to protect the rights to financial remuneration of its creator has formed the market of intellectual property rights, which are the subject of the study. Possession of such rights allows increasing the margin on goods or services and generating additional gross national product. The purpose of the study is to determine the role of intellectual property rights in stimulating innovation activity in agriculture. The author reveals the deterrent effect of intellectual property rights on the production of new generations of innovations, as well as the restriction of entrepreneurial activity, especially of start-up entrepreneurs. In a science-driven research system, innovation providers are scientists who are interested in increasing their rents and therefore target large business organizations that are interested in narrowing access to innovation for smaller entrepreneurs. This system is dominant in Ukraine. The analyzed number of intellectual property rights objects demonstrates a continuous downward trend, unlike in the European Union. In the agricultural sector of the economy, there is a decrease in the activity of all subjects of intellectual property rights. Domestic enterprises engaged in agriculture have the lowest rates of registration of intellectual property rights. It is proposed to accelerate the transition to a user-driven innovation research model. In such a system, joint research does not allow to distinguish between the rights of buyers and sellers of innovations, which requires a review of incentives to enhance innovation development. The author proposes to apply a mechanism of co-financing research from the budgets of different levels of government and agricultural producers, as well as to create a fund to finance the maintenance of partnerships after research activities.
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