Perception of digitalization processes by residents as a basis for implementing programs of balanced urban development




smart city, digitalization, balanced development, urban programs, perception of changes


The subject of the study is approaches to determine the perception of the approach to the perception of digitization processes by residents in the context of forming strategies for balanced development. The aim is to establish the significance of comprehending the impact of digital changes on crucial domains of urban living and their contribution to the success of developmental initiatives. The study utilizes generalization, analysis, and synthesis methods, alongside a systematic approach to formulate guidance for integrating digital products into sustainable urban development programs. The study is based on the methods of generalization, analysis and synthesis, and a systematic approach, which allow to formulate directions for the introduction of digital products into sustainable urban development programs. The main areas of city life in which it is advisable to implement digital solutions are investigated. These areas include urban governance and self-governance, utilities, energy conservation, digital city infrastructure, business, urban and public transportation, transportation infrastructure, social infrastructure, education, tourism, culture and the arts, public safety, urban emergency and dispatch services, urban construction, and land management. The basic principles of substantiating strategies for sustainable urban development are identified, among which human-centeredness is important. This principle implies that the strategy should focus on improving the quality of life of the city's population, based on the perception of solutions offered by the city's residents, convenience, accessibility and comfort of use. The digital technologies and products, the use of which in each sphere of city functioning, allows to increase the efficiency of implementation of the strategy of balanced development: the use of digital platforms for the provision of administrative services, the use of Big Date, digital payment systems for utilities, the creation of a single digital center, the introduction of the industrial Internet of things and 5-G for contactless operation of technical emergency services, blockchain technology, the use of cloud technologies for open science and education, the development of infrastructure, are outlined. It has been determined that the feasibility and effectiveness of digital solutions in cities is determined by the perception of their residents based on the level of their digital competencies, which increases the relevance of developing approaches to assessing the readiness of city residents for digital change.

Author Biographies

Tetiana Pushkar , О. М. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor

Olena Slavuta , О. М. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor


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National and regional economy