Digital transformation as an economic tool restoration of territorial communities




digital transformation, digitalization, digital technologies, local self-government, municipal management, community development


During the global digital transformation of all sectors of society, the use of modern digital technologies in municipal administration and local self-government bodies is gaining relevance. Digital infrastructure is being developed at a rapid pace, access to high-speed broadband and wireless Internet is provided, because its absence creates a digital lag, which in turn leads to inequality among people and, as a result, to the violation of human rights and freedoms. There is an evolution from informatization and electronic governance to global digital transformation and management on the platform of artificial intelligence (AI) and the use of Big data. The purpose of the work is to investigate the main obstacles and what needs to be done for successful digital transformation on the ground and the implementation of digitalization in municipal administration. The three most important obstacles that slow down the process of digital transformation at the local level have been identified and analyzed. Each of which requires its own special solution approach in digitalization policy. These include: the lack of motivated specialists on the ground who can and want to work in digital transformation, the existing communication between the central government and local authorities is highly bureaucratized, and there is little dissemination of successful implementations to other communities.The experience of successful examples of digitization has been summarized and the factors that led to success have been singled out. These are factors such as: having a digital strategy, because it is important to understand the needs of users and focus on demand; providing access to technology infrastructure, because it is necessary to apply digital technologies that are responsible for standards, security, technological and technical capabilities; ensuring the development of digital culture, skills and potential, finding smart data operators and managers, ensuring interaction and forming a community, providing services that a specific user needs. It was concluded that the digital transformation of local government bodies brings the transparency and efficiency of municipal self-government to a new level.

Author Biography

Yevhen Sydorenko, National Scientific Centre “Institute of Agrarian Economics”



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National and regional economy