Conceptual foundations of the circular economy in agriculture




circular economy, concept, sustainable development, agriculture, circular practices, efficiency


The article substantiates that a new paradigm of economic development can be a model of a closed-loop economy (circular economy) based on the recovery and rational consumption of resources, which will act as an alternative to the traditional linear economy. It is proved that the circular economy is a concept of economic production and consumption aimed at maximizing the use of resources, reducing waste and creating closed cycles of material use. The purpose of the study is to consider the conceptual framework for the development of a circular economy in agriculture. The theoretical and methodological basis of the study was the use of general scientific and special methods. In particular, the monographic method was used to study the literature; the method of analysis and synthesis was used to summarize the experience of implementing the main approaches of the circular economy in agriculture; the method of systematic generalization was used to develop proposals for intensifying the work on the implementation of the basic principles of the circular economy in the industry; abstract and logical method was used to formulate conclusions and theoretical generalizations, etc. The study emphasizes the need for a transition process from traditional consumption models to a circular economy, which can lead to sustainable development and ensure environmentally balanced use of resources. The author substantiates the basic principles of the circular economy in agriculture, which include preservation of soil fertility through the use of agroecological methods, waste and secondary resource management, development of biological diversity, sustainable use of water resources, introduction of digital technologies to optimize production, and support for the participation of local people in creating a sustainable agricultural environment. It is noted that the concept of circular economy is based on the "3-R" principle: Reduce, Reuse and Recycle and is consistent with the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals, and therefore encourages most countries to introduce innovative technologies into production. Its main tools are eco-innovations and green technologies that are friendly to the environment. The study analyzes the benefits of the circular economy, including waste reduction, efficient use of resources, economic benefits, and stimulation of innovation. It emphasizes the importance of this approach for sustainable development and its potential impact on business, society and the environment. Examples of successful implementation of circular practices in various agricultural enterprises are highlighted. The article calls on farmers, researchers, and policy makers to actively implement circular principles in agriculture to achieve greater sustainability, conserve resources, and promote environmental responsibility in this important sector.

Author Biography

Nataliia Usata , National Scientific Centre “Institute of Agrarian Economics”

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Senior Researcher


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National and regional economy