Labor potential as an object of management




labor potential, object, management, innovative technologies, business structures


The subject of the study is the theoretical and methodological aspects of the formation of labor potential as an object of management. Labor potential as an object of management is an important factor in economic development both at the level of business structures and at the level of the state. The purpose of the study is the analysis of the theoretical foundations of the functioning and formation of labor potential as an object of management, the formation of innovative technologies for its development. The research used a set of scientific methods and approaches, including systematic and logical, which made it possible to ensure the conceptual unity of the research. The article substantiates the necessity of using innovative technologies for managing the development of labor potential. The field of application of the research results is the field of development of business structures in the context of EU integration. The main conclusions of the study and its methodological results can be summarized as follows. Labor potential management processes in business structures need improvement. The labor potential of the economic entity is considered as a strategic resource of the business structure and the main source of achieving competitive advantages. Labor potential acquires the status of an important strategic resource, and its formation and use are important factors in achieving competitive advantages of business structures. On the basis of the study of the theoretical foundations of the economic category "labor potential", the need to consider it more widely than the economic categories "personnel", "enterprise personnel", "labor resources" has been proven, since the labor potential includes a set of qualitative characteristics that determine the working capacity of employees, their physical, psychological and moral potential, their knowledge and skills, and mainly professional competences. It was determined that the management of the labor potential of business structures is a special type of management aimed at the formation of new qualities, properties and competencies of employees, which are necessary to achieve the strategic goals of business entities. The components of innovations in the field of labor potential management are determined. The key directions of introducing innovations into the labor potential management system of the enterprise are indicated, and the stages of introducing innovative technologies into such a system are developed.

Author Biographies

Svitlana Vasylchak, State University of Ekonomics and Technology

Doctor of Science in Economics, Professor

Tetiana Shterma, Private higher educational institution "Bukovinian University"

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor


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Management and innovative development