Strategic management of team work in the conditions of a modern scientific, innovative and business environment
innovative development, teams, teamwork, scientific schools, strategic managementAbstract
The development of modern technology and socio-economic relations are increasingly reflected in changing concepts of work structure in organizations. In recent decades, the need for cooperation and collaboration in the workplace has been growing. Social, managerial, and technological processes require integration, and information exchange is becoming global. In this regard, the interest in the study of groups and team forms of work has significantly increased in science and social practice. If properly formed and effectively managed, teams can become a source of synergy in any sector of the national economy. In the process of strategic team management, synergetic effects are generated, which can accelerate the development not only of individual organizations, corporations, and clusters but also of national economy sectors and society as a whole. The research aims to improve the effectiveness of strategic team management by describing the paradigm of strategic team management and its components. The authors of the article emphasize that the strategic plan for team development and work can be made on the basis of understanding the team as a scientific category and understanding the essence of the team. Therefore, the formation of the methodology of strategic planning for the development of the team and management subsystems should begin with studying and revealing the essence of teams. It is substantiated that the fulfillment of functions and roles of scientific schools can contribute to improving efficiency and reducing the risks of scientific, innovation, and business activities, which allows us to consider scientific and business schools as effective and promising institutions of innovative development. The evolution of teamwork methodology and management, the functions and roles of teams in the activities of organizations, and the factors contributing to the effectiveness of team management and development strategy are examined; the paradigm of team functioning and its elements are described; the risks of decreasing the effectiveness of teamwork are studied. Scientific novelty of the article is determined by the formation of the scientific theory of teamwork, the definition of the functions and roles of teams in the economy, scientific foundations and methods of forming a strategy for managing the work of teams, taking into account the specifics of teamwork in the modern scientific, innovation and business environment.
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