Peculiarities of managing the development of corporate agrarian formations




corporate-type agricultural formation, integrated formations, investments, agro-industrial integration, agriculture, agricultural holding, management


The strengthening of the influence of corporate agrarian formations on the state of the agrarian sector of the economy of Ukraine is emphasized, one of the characteristic manifestations of which is the increase in the area of their land use. In the context of this trend, the importance of studying management mechanisms to ensure this trend is emphasized. Generalization of management mechanisms showed that the management of corporate agrarian formations interacted with the management of small and medium-sized agrarian formations and directly with the owners of land shares. With regard to agricultural enterprises, management mechanisms of accession and takeover were applied. In turn, the mechanisms of long-term lease and emphyteusis were applied to the owners of land shares. Stabilization of the financial and economic condition of agrarian corporate formations was facilitated by the coverage by these formations of other chains of movement of agricultural products, in particular storage, processing, logistics, sale, in relation to which individual formations carried out the creation of appropriate structural units, the work of which contributed to cost savings. A significant point in strengthening the profitability of these formations is the use of such a management mechanism as "access to IPO", in relation to the provision of which an acceptable area of land use is determined at the level of 70 thousand hectares. It is determined that the growth of the area of land use by agricultural holdings was ensured by changing the emphasis of integration with the transition from management mechanisms of horizontal to vertical integration.  Prospects for further research are related to clarifying the contribution of enterprise-type agricultural enterprises to solving the problem of food security in the country, reducing dependence on food imports. The importance of applying additional social adjustment mechanisms, in particular the issues of employment of the population is also emphasized.

Author Biography

Pavlo Nemchuk, National Scientific Centre “Institute of Agrarian Economics”



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Management and innovative development