Bioenergy in the sustainable development of agriculture: problems and prospects for the development of the industry




bioenergy, sustainable development, agricultural development, problems of bioenergy development, prospects of bioenergy


Given the limited natural resources, population growth, and, as a result, increased use of fossil energy resources and fuels, the level of carbon and its compounds emissions into the atmosphere is increasing. Thus, there is a need to replace traditional energy sources with alternative ones. One of these sources is bioenergy, with biomass as a resource, which makes up a significant share of secondary raw materials from agricultural processing. Since the environmental and energy crisis is one of the global challenges of our time, bioenergy is a promising way to solve this problem. It is noted that its functioning is one of the components of environmentally sound economic development and the principles of sustainable development relating to agriculture. That is why the issue of transition of agricultural enterprises to waste-free production by recycling waste and by-products is becoming increasingly important. The transition to "green" bioenergy will help preserve natural resources for future generations, reduce the negative effects of climate change, reduce the risk of man-made disasters, and increase employment. The purpose of the study is to analyze the state of bioenergy in the development of agriculture in Ukraine, to identify problems and prospects for the development of bioenergy based on the definition of its place in the sustainable development of agriculture. The paper describes the content of bioenergy as an alternative direction of providing "green" energy. The place of bioenergy in the sustainable development of agriculture and the energy potential of biomass in Ukraine are investigated. The indicators of the Roadmap for the Development of Bioenergy in Ukraine until 2050 are analyzed. The existing problems, advantages of bioenergy in the development of agriculture and prospects for the development of the industry in the future are identified.

Author Biography

Dmytro Prokopov, Podillia State University

Applicant for higher education degree of Doctor of Philosophy


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Management and innovative development