Examination of entrepreneurial propensity among university students
entrepreneurship, questionnaire survey, students of the Institute of Management, entrepreneurial attitudesAbstract
Nowadays there is a lot of interest in the world of business, with many different types of trainings, initiatives to introduce young people to the world of entrepreneurship, to the mysteries of entrepreneurship. Starting and running a business requires different competences, skills and a higher degree of risk-taking, as a start-up entrepreneur without experience. Regardless of having the right economic and financial knowledge, it is also needed to be able to assess whether you are able to provide the new activities, how to cope with the different tasks and what obstacles you may encounter. Research on entrepreneurship among university students is an important topic today, as entrepreneurship and entrepreneurship skills development are becoming increasingly important in the modern economy. New businesses and entrepreneurs contribute to economic growth, job creation and innovation. In addition, developing an entrepreneurial mindset and competences in students can be a key to success in the future labour market. Research among university students can be interesting in that by understanding their views, we can better understand the entrepreneurial attitudes of future generations, which are fundamental to economic growth and job creation. The online questionnaire survey was chosen as the research method since a relatively large population was available. We conducted our empirical research on a sample of 178 people, 136 students (76,4% of the population) filled out the form, so the survey cannot be called representative. The most motivating factors for students to start a business were high income, flexible working hours and self-fulfilment. The economic situation and the lack of equity capital were the most deterring factors according to the participants. We believe that the students' willingness to become entrepreneurs could be much more increased in several ways. With the normalisation of the economic situation, inflation and a decrease in the increased costs of raw materials would be less of a burden for entrepreneurship. The university environment and atmosphere can also help entrepreneurship, e.g. practice-oriented courses, competitions, and other trainings. Our aim was to assess the proportion of entrepreneurial young people among full-time students at the University of Nyíregyháza's Institute of Business and Economics, what entrepreneurial skills they have and what disincentives they face today.
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