Evaluation of the Development and Utilization of the Intellectual Economic System in Construction Enterprises





construction enterprises, intelligent economic system, evaluation, theoretical and methodological approach, economic, geospatial security and social factors, integral indicator


The relevance of the research topic in relation to the development and implementation of a theoretical and methodological approach to the assessment of the level of formation and use of the intellectual economic system of construction enterprises is proven. The lack of a comprehensive approach to assessing the level of formation and use of the intellectual economic system of construction enterprises is substantiated. The definition of an intelligent economic system is proposed as a set of economic, geospatial, security, and social components that are developed by applying modern mathematical methods and models, artificial intelligence, information and analytical support and tools and form the basis for making management decisions in the context of the development of construction enterprises. The goal of the research was achieved in order to highlight the features of the development of a theoretical and methodological approach to the assessment of the level of formation and use of the intellectual economic system of construction enterprises. Within the framework of the achieved goal, the following tasks were solved: formation of directions for assessing the level of formation and use of the intellectual economic system of construction enterprises; determination of the integral indicator of the level of formation and use of the intellectual economic system; interpretation of the obtained results. As a result of the evaluation, the average level of the integral indicator of the formation and use of the intelligent economic system at all construction enterprises was determined.This indicates mediocre opportunities for the formation and use of an intelligent economic system, taking into account the economic, geospatial, security, and social aspects of construction enterprises. Along with this, for the formation and implementation of an intellectual economic system, there is a need to develop relevant scientifically based recommendations by applying the tools of economic and mathematical modeling to forecast changes in the integral indicator and its impact on the generalizing factor of the development of construction enterprises. A theoretical-methodological approach to the integral assessment of the level of formation and use of the intelligent economic system has been developed, which is based on the application of a complex of methods and models, an analytical-diagnostic system of factors, which allows determining an integral indicator and building a quantitative basis for making informed management decisions regarding the development of construction enterprises. Proposed methods and models for assessing the level of formation and use of the intellectual economic system of construction enterprises, which are determined by the complex application of quantitative and qualitative tools and allow to create an economic and applied mechanism for the development of a theoretical and methodological approach to assessment.The factors of formation and use of the intellectual economic system of construction enterprises, based on economic, geospatial, security, and social security, have been determined, which made it possible to form a diagnostic-analytical system of local, systemic, generalizing, and integral evaluation indicators to build a quantitative basis for justifying management decisions.

Author Biography

Vasyl Goi, О. М. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv

Doctoral Candidate


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Economics and management