Water Conflicts in Ukraine and in the World





water conflicts, water management complex, underground and surface water resources, consequences of military operations, water scarcity, irrigation


Water is an essential component in supporting basic human needs, health and well-being. Also, water plays a decisive role in ensuring the sustainable development of the agricultural sector, since the Sustainable development goals are closely related to solving the global problems of food security and the preservation and sustainable use of water resources. Undeniably, hostilities lead to negative environmental consequences, threaten water security, and are an inhibiting factor in achieving the Sustainable development goals, which include achieving clean water, sanitation, and sustainable water use. The full-scale armed aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine has been going on for more than two years, which has caused and continues to cause a powerful impact on water resources. Thus, during 2000-2023, 60 water conflicts were recorded in Ukraine, or 87% of water incidents that occurred in European countries. The purpose of the article is the analysis of water conflicts in Ukraine and the world, the generalization of the consequences of military actions for the water management complex as a whole, and water resources in particular, as well as the search for ways to mitigate the consequences of the war. When conducting the research, general scientific and special scientific methods were used: the monographic method, the method of analysis and synthesis, and the abstract-logical method. The article analyzes water conflicts that took place in Ukraine and the world. Examples of water conflicts according to the international classification are given (water as a "trigger", "weapon" and "casualty"). The trend of a significant increase in the number of water conflicts in the world during the last decades has been revealed, which is caused by the increased load on the planet's water resources and changes in the global climate. In particular, in the XXI century recorded 85% of the total number of water conflicts entered into the international database. The classification features of three types of water conflicts in Ukraine have been established, among which the type of water as a "casualty" is the most common. The consequences of military operations for water resources and the water management complex of Ukraine are summarized, among which the following are the main ones: destruction of water infrastructure facilities, pollution of underground and surface waters, reduction of scientific research and impossibility of monitoring the state of water resources in the occupied and front-line territories; threat to water safety, etc. It was established that in 2022, every fifth water conflict in the world occurred on the territory of Ukraine, which was caused by a full-scale Russian-Ukrainian war. Taking into account the significant damage caused to this strategic resource by military actions in the war and post-war periods, permanent data collection is in particular demand; assessment of the situation; strengthening control over the use and protection of water resources and responsibility in the event of violation of the operating modes of water objects; search for ways aimed at mitigating the consequences of war and achieving a "good" state of waters.

Author Biography

Lyudmyla Didkovska, State Organization «Institute for Economics and Forecasting, NAS of Ukraine»

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Senior Researcher


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Economics and management