Analysis of the Probability of a Strategic Break




strategy, strategic gap, probability of strategic gap, strategic opportunities of the enterprise, general indicator of strategic gap


A methodology for the study of the strategic gap is proposed based on the analysis of the indicator of the probability of a strategic gap, calculated on the basis of the assessment of the strategic capabilities of enterprises. The content of the company's strategic capabilities has been singled out, grouped and revealed, which will make it possible to investigate their importance in the formation and implementation of the strategy, to analyze the influence of the deviation between their actual and strategic values on the emergence of a strategic gap. A general indicator of the strategic gap is proposed, which is represented as a product of deviations between the values of strategic and real opportunities and their importance when choosing a strategy. The use of the general indicator of the strategic gap will make it possible to predict its formation and prevent its growth. The study of the indicator of the probability of a strategic gap, taking into account the main internal and external capabilities of the enterprise, will contribute to a more objective assessment of the effectiveness of the alternative strategies of the enterprise according to the selected indicators of capabilities, which characterize both the internal potential of the enterprise and the ability to effectively use the available resources and, if necessary, to attract additional and all a range of external factors. The use of the indicator of the probability of a strategic gap of the enterprise will contribute to a more accurate and objective assessment of them in the long term, a more complete consideration of the effects of factors on the formation of the gap and the search for ways to minimize it. The proposed technique will make it possible to choose a strategy, the probability of a strategic gap in the case of implementation of which is minimal. The specified method will be useful for application in the field of strategic planning and strategic management of the enterprise, will contribute to the study of the causes and consequences of the existence of a strategic gap, and the development of measures to eliminate it.

Author Biography

Zoryana Koval, National University "Lviv Polytechnic"

PhD, Associate Professor


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Economics and management