Key Directions of Consulting Activities in Rural Tourism




tourism, rural tourism, consulting activity, tourist resources, professional training


The relevance of the work is based on the fact that the issue of professional training of personnel for rural tourism is important today and is periodically covered by researchers in scientific works, discussed during scientific and methodological seminars, round tables, scientific and practical conferences. The purpose of the article is theoretical research and scientific substantiation of the main areas of consulting activity of the Academy of Rural Development of the NGO «Union of Northwest Ukraine». It was determined that consulting is the provision of specialized consulting services according to a certain branch of business. There is a significant number of varieties of consulting and attempts to systematize them according to various characteristics. It was found that the most widespread is the classification, which distinguishes types of consulting (management, investment, financial, engineering, information, marketing, personnel) and three main methods of providing consulting services (process, expert and educational consulting). It is emphasized that consulting is a one-time service and long-term, with a certain periodicity. It is noted that consulting is one of the areas of activity of the Academy of Rural Development, which was created under the NGO «Association for the Promotion of the Development of Rural Green Tourism» in order to ensure the access of market participants to high-quality modern education in rural tourism. It has been established that the main consumers of consulting services are business representatives (owners of agricultural estates, active and potential), territorial communities, Academy trainers, teachers of higher education institutions and applicants, project partners and rural development scientists. The needs of each of the segments of the specified target audience were analyzed, common, different and individual interests were determined, which made it possible to form the main areas of consulting activity today, taking into account development trends.

Author Biographies

Halyna Shchuka, Ferenc Rakoczi II Transcarpathian Hungarian College of Higher Education (FR II THCHE)

Doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor

Natalia Wenherska, Zaporizhzhia National University

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor

Larysa Bezkorovaina, Zaporizhzhia National University

Doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor


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Economics and management