European Experience Integration of Auditing Activities and Possibilities of Its Use in Ukraine




independent audit, audit activity, state audit, State Audit Service of Ukraine, financial control, finances, budget


In the conditions of European integration and modern unstable conditions, the issue of strengthening control in the economic sphere is becoming especially urgent. In this context, the development and improvement of the activities of the institutions that implement the audit makes it possible to achieve a better organization of the control system and contributes to its more effective functioning. Auditing in Ukraine is carried out by various entities: audit firms (independent auditors), as well as state institutions, the State Audit Service.

The basis of the research and writing of the article are the methods of theoretical and empirical research. The comparison is applied to the assessment of foreign experience in organizing the activities of audit subjects, the relationship between them and the international regulation of these processes, as well as to establish the specifics of public control of public finances and resources in the EU countries. The analysis and synthesis were used to develop proposals for improving the activity of the State Audit Service on international cooperation and identifying its directions in Ukraine. Graphical methods were used to build a scheme of cooperation of the State Audit Service of Ukraine in matters of European cooperation and its activities in international organizations.

 The article examines the possibilities of improving the audit and audit activity of the State Audit Service based on the application of positive foreign experience. The directions of the institution's development in accordance with European integration, directions of cooperation of the State Audit Service of Ukraine in matters of European cooperation, problems and prospects of bringing the system of Ukrainian state financial control to the standards of the European Union were identified. It has been proven that borrowing the positive experience of EU countries will lead to the improvement of the activities of the State Audit Service.

The use of positive foreign experience will have an impact on both the quality and effectiveness of the State Audit Service and will contribute to the development of the organization, methodology and techniques of the state financial audit. In the future, further research should cover the issue of strengthening relationships between controlling institutions, the issue of mutual consideration of the results of various types of control, as well as the possibility of strengthening international cooperation and the use of modern information and communication technologies.

Author Biography

Iryna Lukanovska, West Ukrainian National University

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor


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