Prospective Directions of Innovative Project Activity in Tourism: Cases of Ivano-Frankivsk Region




tourism, project activity, cross-border cooperation, grant, innovative projects


European integration is a complex process of establishing close social and economic cooperation between European countries. The process of European integration as a process of closer cooperation between Ukraine and European countries will enter a new phase of its development after the military events in Ukraine. European integration is considered in Ukraine as one of the mechanisms of large-scale socio-economic transformations for joining the community of European developed countries. Transformations affect all aspects of the state's life, and the tourism industry is no exception. The development of the modern tourism sphere contributes to the active economic growth of many countries of the world. The article examines the project activity in the field of tourism in the context of grant cooperation of the European Union and the Carpathian region. The purpose of the study is to analyze innovative project activities in the Ivano-Frankivsk region and to determine further promising directions for their implementation in the field of tourism. The main research methods are general economic and special scientific methods, including analysis, synthesis and statistical methods. The level of project activity in the field of tourism, as well as the types, structure, and content of implemented projects were analyzed. As a result of the research, it was found that in the grant financing in Ivano-Frankivsk region, projects related to the promotion of tourist products to popularize the historical and cultural heritage prevail - 53% of the total number of implemented projects. It is noted that the topics of projects in tourism should be directed to the development of tourist infrastructure, improvement of awareness and means of promotion of tourist opportunities of the region and individual tourism subjects. Today, tourism has become an independent branch of the economy. It accounts for almost 6% of the world's gross national product, 5% of all tax collections and 7% of world investments. The development of the tourism industry will contribute to the increase of revenues to the budget, the creation of new jobs, the development of infrastructure, the construction of new tourist facilities, the strengthening of the protection and reconstruction of existing historical and cultural monuments, and the protection of nature.

Author Biographies

Yaroslava Korobeinykova, Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas

Candidate of Geological Sciences

Viktoriia Hryniuk, Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas

Candidate of Technical Sciences


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Economics and management