The Importance of the Development of Eco-innovations in the Transformation to a Green Economy




climate change, eco-innovations, energy security, green economy, sustainable economy, economic risks


The article is devoted to the importance of the development of eco-innovations in the transformation to a green economy. The importance of the green economy and eco-innovations for future development is determined. The relationship between technology and sustainable development is proven. The classification of eco-innovations and eco-innovators is presented. The main climate risks and economic losses from them in Europe have been identified. Sustainability actions taken by enterprises in the EU are defined. Defined the state of innovation activity of enterprises as a basis for the development of green innovation. Proposed ways to stimulate the development of eco-innovations, with the definition of the main actions at the micro and macro levels and a proposed scheme of eco-innovation system. The purpose of the article is determining the economic risks of global climate change and their neutralization and mitigation through the use of eco-innovations. Justification of the positive synergistic effect of eco-innovations on economic indicators, the standard of living and sustainable development is provided. The article used research and analytical articles, studies of scientists and world economic organizations: the World Bank Group, IMF, UN and others. Materials of specific organizations and the European Commission were used. The main research methods were scientific abstraction, logical generalization when determining the need for green innovations at the current stage of development; analytical method for determining the components of the policy of eco-innovation and their interrelationships; a visual reflection of the sustainable eco-innovation system in the EU; situational analysis to identify problems of energy system. System-structural analysis - for the development of a conceptual model of eco-innovation policy, a structural-logical scheme of the formation of the main elements of the eco-innovation policy; complex empirical and applied analysis - to determine challenges, directions for green transformation and development of eco-innovations

Author Biographies

Halyna Matviienko, Taurida National University named after V.I.Vernadsky

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor

Svitlana Kucherkova, Dmytro Motornyi Tavria State Agrotechnological University

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor


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Economics and management