Legal Problems of the Ukrainian Economy Under the Regime of Martial Law




legal regime of martial law, country's economy, economic crisis, financial and economic system, financial stability, legal regulation, legal mechanisms, state budget, international cooperation


Due to the ongoing hostilities on the territory of Ukraine, a thorough study of the problems of legal regulation of martial law becomes necessary. In this context, the question of the nature of the impact of this legal regime on the country's financial and economic system, as well as the analysis of the main legal problems arising in the economic sphere, becomes extremely important. The legal regime of martial law causes restrictions on the functioning of the economy. In particular, the introduction of martial law has resulted in restrictions on the rights and freedoms of citizens, additional regulations on economic activity, as well as changes in the financial and banking sectors, which has an impact on the financial stability of the country and the overall economic climate. To effectively overcome these challenges, it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive analysis and develop strategies aimed at ensuring the stability of the economy in the context of military conflict. Such strategies include measures to attract international assistance, stimulate domestic entrepreneurship, preserve social guarantees for the population, and ensure security and protection of business rights. The article is devoted to a systematic analysis of the main legal issues arising in the Ukrainian economy during the martial law regime. In particular, it discusses the consequences of the hostilities that have significantly undermined the country's economic stability and led to a difficult economic context, requiring a comprehensive response from the government and international partners. The analysis revealed the need for a comprehensive and effective response from the government and international partners to overcome the challenges of Ukraine's economic development. The impact of such problems determines the decline in the country's economic development at the beginning of the full-scale invasion and its subsequent recovery, as well as the role of the National Bank of Ukraine in ensuring financial stability. Changes in the financial system and the importance of developing effective mechanisms for controlling financial transactions are analyzed in detail. In addition, the article pays special attention to the challenges posed by the decline in the efficiency of market mechanisms and the need to manage financial flows for economic recovery. It is noted that martial law conditions tend to centralize management decisions, and it is important to ensure effective interaction between local authorities and territorial communities in order to intensify economic development.

Author Biography

Andriy Motsa, Ferenc Rakoczi II Transcarpathian Hungarian College of Higher Education (FR II THCHE)

Canditate of Juridical Sciences, Associate Professor


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Economics and management