Digital Transformation of Ukraine's Regions: problems, recommendations, and prospects




region, transformation, digitalization, digital transformation of regions


The article substantiates the relevance of the issues of digital transformation of the regions of Ukraine, conducts a study of the main components of this process, and offers recommendations for their improvement. The purpose of the article is to analyze the existing problems associated with the digitalization of Ukraine's regions, to determine the current state of digital transformation of regions under martial law, to formulate recommendations for creating an appropriate level of digital transformation, and to assess the prospects for development. The work has resulted in the identification of urgent problems: bureaucratization of communications between different actors, insufficient number of qualified personnel, insufficient funding, lack of public involvement and interest in the achievements of existing digital transformation products, low level of advertising of successful digitalization projects. Based on the identified problems, recommendations were formulated to increase the level of digitalization in the regions. An analysis of the regional Digital Transformation Index was carried out, which revealed uneven development of digitalization in the regions. It was found that an appropriate level of digital transformation requires an integrated approach and systematic measures. Based on the formulated issues and recommendations, the prospects for the development of digital transformation of regions were outlined. Thus, promising areas include strengthening cooperation in the digitalization sector with European countries; digitalization independence of communities as a guarantee of a high level of regional digital transformation development; increasing the competitiveness of the region; digital transformation of regions as a basis for rapid post-war recovery. The conclusion of this study is that digital transformation is an indispensable element for the development of regions and the state as a whole. Interconnection and communication are an important component for building a working digital transformation architecture.

Author Biographies

Iryna Nechayeva, Zaporizhzhya national University

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor

Ilona Shylovets, Zaporizhzhya national University

Bachelor's student


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Economics and management