Comparative Analysis of Rural Population Income in EU Countries and Ukraine




poverty, dominants, inflation, income mechanism, income level


The study outlines the pragmatics of the formation of rural population incomes in certain EU countries and in Ukraine. The subject is the volume of income in selected EU countries in comparison with Ukraine. The purpose of the work is to perform a comprehensive analysis of the incomes of residents of rural areas in the EU countries and in Ukraine, as well as to identify differences in the levels of these incomes and to form an effective mechanism for Ukraine. The main method used in the study was the systematic one, which allows obtaining reasonable results. A comparison of the average annual income of the rural population in EU countries and Ukraine during 2017-2022 in euros made it possible to conclude that Ukraine is significantly lagging behind. The main reason for this lag is the insignificant level of economic development in Ukraine compared to EU countries. A permanent decrease of this income in Ukraine during the analyzed period was also revealed. For the period 2017-2022, the levels of inflation in the EU countries and in Ukraine were compared, where it was found to be several times higher than in Ukraine. This situation with inflation significantly affects the level of real incomes of the rural population in Ukraine. The scientific novelty of the study is the development of a mechanism for increasing the incomes of the rural population, which includes the following components: regulatory framework, management structures, resources, infrastructure, taking into account influencing factors, using receptive foreign experience. According to an expert survey among 10 territorial communities of 5 oblasts, it was possible to identify the dominant sources of these incomes with the appropriate grading. The respondents believed that the business environment is the most important factor. It was determined that the results of the study will be useful when implemented at the level of rural territorial communities, which will contribute to increasing the level of income of the population. It was concluded that the determining condition for increasing these incomes should be the economic development of rural areas, for which it is necessary to activate the cooperation of the leadership of rural territorial communities with local businesses and to attract relevant specialists. in particular, from specialized analytical agencies, scientific institutions and institutions of higher education.

Author Biographies

Yurii Pasichnyk, National Scientific Center "Institute of Agrarian Economy"

Doctor of Science in Economics, Professor

Ludmila Gordienko, Rauf Ablyazov East European University

Doctor of Science in Economics, Associate Professor


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Economics and management