Analysis of the Current State of Truck Transport Companies in Ukraine




freight transport companies, automobile transportation, analysis, dynamic, performance


The article is devoted to the research of the results of the business entities that carry out the transportation of goods by road transport. The article analyzes the current state of truck transport enterprises of Ukraine and considers the prospects for its development in the context of crisis changes. The dynamics of changes in the number of operating freight transport enterprises of Ukraine from 2014 to 2022 were studied. A financial and analytical assessment of the main trends in the development of these enterprises, as well as the efficiency of their activities, was conducted. In the article, special attention is paid to the assessment of financial and production indicators of the activity of motor transport enterprises for 2014-2022, using the methods of horizontal, vertical and ratio analysis. The dynamics of the volumes of sold products, financial results, profitability of the main and ordinary activities, the cost of the enterprise, profitability of capital and labor productivity were analyzed. An analysis of the coefficients of financial autonomy, financial leverage and equity turnover was carried out. The rates of renewal and wear and tear of fixed assets, which affect the competitiveness of the enterprise, the final results of the enterprise, the level of technological risks and the burden on the ecological state of the environment, have been determined. Conclusions were made regarding the dynamics of changes in the main indicators and the current state of freight transport enterprises. The results of the conducted research testify to the existence of problems in the development of cargo transport enterprises of Ukraine. Based on the obtained results, a number of basic measures have been determined that must be taken to ensure the sustainable development of freight transport enterprises. Taking into account the fact that the activity of freight transport enterprises is carried out in conditions of uncertainty, instability and risk during development package of comprehensive recommendations on the strategic development of enterprises in the industry, we recommend the implementation of financial and analytical diagnostics, separate scientific and methodological approaches to which is presented in this study.

Author Biography

Olha Skladanivska, National Transport University

Graduate student


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Economics and management