Current Trends in Private Pension Insurance: Analysis and Prospects for Ukrainian Enterprises




insurance, pension insurance, corporate insurance, non-state pension insurance


One of the most important elements of the state's activity in the field of social policy is the regulation and organization of the activities of pension provision bodies. State pension funds, non-state pension funds, life insurance companies and pension insurance companies are the main components of modern pension systems. Each of these elements has its own advantages and disadvantages and plays a different role in the pension system. At the present stage of economic development in Ukraine, there are many problems socio-economic nature, and the system of non-state pension provision has just begun to develop. The main purpose of the functioning of non-state pension systems is to improve the standard of living of the population and ensure the stability of the pension system. The development and improvement of non-state pension systems requires the following measures: creation of a favorable tax environment; attraction of additional funds to finance pension payments in order to reduce the difference in incomes of the working population and pensioners; increasing confidence in non-state pension funds (NPFs), insurance companies and banking institutions participating in non-state pension schemes. The aim of the article is to study the features and trends in the development of non-state pension insurance in Ukraine, as well as to identify opportunities for the spread of corporate pension insurance as a component of the motivational package of domestic enterprises. The article examines the features of non-state pension insurance in Ukraine. The tendencies of development of non-state pension insurance, carried out by non-state pension funds and life insurance companies, are outlined. The possibilities of spreading corporate pension insurance as a component of the motivational package of domestic enterprises have been identified.

Author Biography

Inna Lepetan, Vinnytsia National Agrarian University

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor


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