Goals of Sustainable Development as a Factor of Enhancing the Accounting System





accounting, accounting profession, sustainability reporting, sustainable development goals, corporate sustainability, stakeholders


The principles of sustainable development and the corresponding goals of sustainable development have a transformative effect on business processes in companies. Integral to this transformation are professional accountants who play a critical role. This article aims to outline the contribution of accounting to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals and to advocate the overall concept of sustainable development by examining reports from authoritative publications that collectively highlight the multifaceted role of professional accountants in promoting sustainable development, aligning their skills and competencies with the broader SDG goals and stimulating positive changes in organizations and society. The authors use different approaches to outline the role of professional accountants in sustainable development, covering different aspects such as the types of roles accountants perform, their professional functions, and the skills and competencies required in the corporate environment. The result is a comprehensive understanding of the role of accounting in sustainable development in the context of new economic conditions.

In addition, the article offers a panoramic view of the transformation of the accounting profession in accordance with corporate sustainable development. It highlights the need for further progress in information and analytical support for sustainable development, emphasizing the discussion of the professional competencies required for accountants in this field.

In summary, the results of the study can become a catalyst for positive changes in the economic landscape of Ukraine, guiding decision-making processes, shaping policies, promoting professional development and corporate sustainability, encouraging international cooperation, influencing education and strengthening the trust of stakeholders.

Author Biographies

Yuliia Serpeninova, Sumy State University

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor

Inna Makarenko, Sumy State University

Doctor of Science in Economics, Professor

Roman Fominov, Sumy State University

Graduate student

Serhii Makarenko, Audit Firm LLC 'Sumycoop-Audit



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