A Theoretical Analysis of the Concept of the Agro-Food Sector in the Economy





agrarian sector, agri-food sector, agrarian sphere, agri-food sphere, economic development


Russia's war against Ukraine has resulted in a significant reduction in planted areas, lower yields and higher production costs due to the destruction of infrastructure. Ukraine, which has historically been one of the world's leading exporters of grains and oilseeds, has faced widespread damage to farmland, destruction of infrastructure and blockade of ports, which has made it difficult to ensure food security both domestically and in many other regions of the world. This threatens both national and global food security, requiring new approaches and strategies to support the agricultural sector. The purpose of the study is to define the essence and structure of the agri-food sphere of the economy and to reveal the relationship of this concept with other related categories. The paper analyses the interpretation of the terms «sphere» and «sector», as well as scientific views on these definitions. It is noted that it is advisable to consider the relationship between the concepts of «agrarian sphere» and «agrarian sector» as a relation of the whole to the part, since the content of the concept of «sphere» is broader than the concept of «sector». The content of the concepts of «agri-food sector» and «agri-food sphere» is studied, differences between these concepts are identified and different approaches to these concepts are indicated. The author's own definition of the agri-food sphere as a complex system, which includes agriculture, all stages of production, processing, storage, transportation and sale of food products, is proposed. The importance of integrating agriculture and the food industry is substantiated. A model of the agri-food sphere of Ukraine's economy by its structural components is developed. It is noted that the agri-food sphere is an important element of both economic growth and economic development, providing not only quantitative growth indicators, but also qualitative changes that improve the welfare of the population and promote sustainable development.

Author Biography

Nataliia Panasenko, Poltava State Agrarian University

PhD, Associate Professor


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Economics and management