Development of economic processes utilizing solar energy




Solar energy, Micro-grid, Capacity, Reliability indices, Loss of load, Risk


The concern of the electric utility companies to prioritize tight control on system performance is addressed in the paper as it immensely helps planning maintenance expenditure economically with customers’ expectations fully met. . The paper aims at making a comparative study of performance of the micro-grid power system with that of the interconnected micro-grid and national grid. A micro-grid that utilizes solar energy in sparse locations in hilly terrain for ensuring reliable electric supply to industrial houses engaged in product manufacturing processes has been considered. These manufacturing processes as a part of small and medium industries introduce goods and services necessary for securing economic growth and development in the country side where grid power supply is subject to frequent weather disturbances, and hence, very costly from the perspective of sustenance as well as maintenance. The solar energy trend has given scope for self-reliance and better livelihood of people who live away from cities but the products what they manufacture may be sent for consumption in the nearby cities. Thus, more and more dependence on the solar energy leads to nation’s economic growth policy. Moreover, it adds to uninterrupted and quality electric supply using clean energy in place of fossil fuels-based generation of electricity to protect environment; allows reducing health hazards and mitigating greenhouse gas emissions. Using reliability techniques, solar energy plant performance is quantitatively judged and compared with respect to the performance of the national grid supplying power supply to the remotely located population. The improved energy security, easy access and operational responses of the solar plant as a substitute to the grid power supply help develop economic growth of a nation.

Author Biography

Kalyan Kumar, National Industrial Corporation (NIC) & NIC Academy; North Eastern Regional Institute of Science and Technology (NERIST)

PhD in Electrical Engineering, Professor, President


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National and regional economy