Functional characteristics of restaurant business management in an innovative economy




innovations, restaurant business, management, functional characteristics, innovative economy


Innovation is one of the important sources of competitive advantage for the restaurant business in the era of the latest technologies and means of communication. In the innovative economy, the sphere of the restaurant business is transformed into a completely new one, changing its own technological, process, operational basis. The purpose of the article is to generalize the functional characteristics of restaurant business management in the conditions of the innovative economy, to identify their specific effects on the development of the restaurant business. The following research methods were used in the article: the method of analysis, generalization and synthesis, a systematic approach to systematize the functional characteristics of restaurant business management. It has been established that the innovative economy is characterized by qualitative changes, which should include technical and technical progress, the introduction of innovation, etc. Under such conditions, the effective and efficient management of the restaurant business should take place thanks to the implementation of functional characteristics. The latter combine the purpose of the restaurant business, principles and standards of its management process, , restaurant business development objectives, restaurant business guidelines, functions and tools of the restaurant business management system, influencing factors and laws of economic influence on the development, the means of the restaurant business operation business. The main task to combine all characteristics and use them in the course of restaurant business management. Elaboration of these important problems requires further empirical research, which will provide a basis for diagnosing the current situation and preparing an innovative strategy for the development of the restaurant business, taking into account the peculiarities of the functioning of the innovative economy.

Author Biography

Tatiana Kolisnychenko, Kyiv National University of Technology and Design

Candidate of Technological Sciences, Associate Professor


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National and regional economy