Development of methodological recommendations for determining the level of financial and economic security of the enterprise based on indicators of financial condition
Financial and economic security, financial condition, assessment, enterpriseAbstract
In today's unstable economic conditions, a key skill of modern business is the ability to work in the conditions of current risks and threats to financial and economic security, since a significant number of risks can cause certain threats to current activities and affect the potential of their development in the future. Therefore, it is important to ensure the development of the enterprise under the condition of its adaptation to uncertainty and protection from threats and risks, support of financial stability in current activities and in the long term. The purpose of the article is research and development of methodical approaches for determining the level of financial and economic security of an enterprise based on the calculation of its financial indicators. The article analyzes the existing points of view regarding the interpretation of the meaning of the "financial and economic security" concept. It is emphasized that most researchers consider the concept of "financial and economic security" from the point of view of strategic, resource and functional approaches. Approaches to assessing the financial and economic security of the enterprise are outlined and the need to focus on indicators of the financial condition in the estimation process is substantiated. Financial indicators of the enterprise that should be assessed based on their compliance with normative values have been determined. A methodology for determining the level of financial and economic security of an enterprise based on an assessment of its financial condition is proposed. The need to monitor the level of the financial and economic security indicator is designated, that signals the identification of "weaknesses", which is subsequently taken into account in the formation of enterprise management scenarios. It can serve as the basis for choosing the best scenario for company's development based on the probable level of financial and economic security.
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