New approaches to ensuring competitiveness through the organizational mechanism of regulating agriculture and fisheries in the conditions of emergency challenges




competitiveness, regulatory mechanism, aquaculture, regulatory method, European Union, organizational regulatory mechanism, recirculation aquaculture system, regulatory measures


The article proposes directions for solving the issue of improving the organizational mechanism for regulating aquaculture as a promising sector of the national economy based on the normative-administrative method of regulation. For the successful implementation of aquaculture production, it is proposed to amend the Law of Ukraine “On Aquaculture” dated September 18, 2012 No. 5293-VI. Proposals have been made to develop a draft State Program for the Development of Aquaculture of Ukraine for the period 2020-2025. To a large extent, they will comprise a number of mainly organizational measures, taking into account effective mechanisms for regulating the development of aquaculture. It is proposed to provide for the development and diversification of traditional aquaculture facilities, as well as spreading relatively non-traditional aquaculture technologies. This applies to recirculating aquaculture systems (RAC), as well as the production of sufficient quantities of fish stocking material both for commercial production and for the purpose of stocking reservoirs for "recreational fishing" or pasture cultivation. The functional behavior of the supply of commercial fish and fish products, other aquatic bioresources (F 0), produced and obtained under the conditions of aquaculture, is presented in the form of a multifactorial function. Among the main aspects of implementing an organizational regulatory mechanism in accordance with the experience of European countries, it is proposed to establish an effective relationship between the state and the producer in the form of licensing of aquaculture activities or other acceptable form; to develop and adjust the mandatory statistical reporting commensurate with the forms adopted in the EU and recommended by the FAO; to improve the land and water legislation taking into account the needs and requirements of aquaculture. The results of regulatory measures are outlined with simultaneous in-depth processing of existing legislation and amendments to it, contributing to the development of aquaculture on a European basis, which should be responsible and both environmental and human friendly.

Author Biographies

Nataliia Vdovenko

доктор економічних наук, професор, завідувач кафедри глобальної економіки Національний університет біоресурсів і природокористування України, м. Київ, Україна

Igor Sinenok

молодший науковий співробітник, асистент кафедри глобальної економіки Національний університет біоресурсів і природокористування України, м. Київ, Україна

Roman Dmytryshyn

віце-президент Міжнародної академії культури безпеки, екології та здоров’я, Лідер Ради учнівського самоврядування «Надія», Президент СЗШ № 297, Дiйсний член КПНЗ «Київська Мaла академія наук учнівської молоді», відділення філософії та суспільствознавства, м. Київ, Україна





National and regional economy