Some economic and ethical aspects of the COVID-19 pandemic


  • Marian Ambrozy MBA College of International Business ISM Slovakia in Prešov



COVID-19, freedom, game, rights, protection of health


In my study, I focus on selected ethical aspect of the covid-19 pandemic. Mankind has experienced considerable a number of pandemics of various types in its history. In recent centuries, it has been cholera, spanish influenza, SARS. Over the last two years, she discovered a new, hitherto unknown disease. Covid-19 disease has occurred. Its origin is not complete known. Some claim, that the disease occurred in humans after first occurred in animals. Others believe it is a virus of artificial origin. He was detected for the first time in 2019 in China. Originally however, the Chinese epidemiological problem spread to almost the end of winter 2020 around the world and has grown to the scale of a global pandemic. Maybe at least the pandemic affected island isolated states, or some states with an authoritarian regime, that closed the borders. By the end of January 2022 at this pandemic has killed more than 5 and a half million people on the planet. Given the situation, which has not been in the world for many decades, has meant more than just multiple tragedy and a significant economic downturn, but also the need ethically and economically reflect the many common practices considered to date days for invariant. We look at the problem through the prism of social philosophy. There are basically three approaches: a) negative (liberal) perception of freedom, b) positive perception of freedom (Spinoza, Hegel, etc.), c) freedom as a game. We believe that many circumstances need to be taken into account in order to meet the necessary conditions for the introduction of relatively strict countermeasures. We look at the problem through the prism of social philosophy. There are basically three approaches: a) negative (liberal) perception of freedom, b) positive perception of freedom (Spinoza, Hegel, etc.), c) freedom as a game. Each of these models of freedom has its own vision of the application of the dialectic of freedom and responsibility. The combination of freedom and responsibility is key in our situation. We believe that many circumstances need to be taken into account in order to meet the necessary conditions for the introduction of relatively strict countermeasures.

Author Biography

Marian Ambrozy, MBA College of International Business ISM Slovakia in Prešov

Assoc. prof. PhD. MBA College of International Business ISM Slovakia in Prešov


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National and regional economy