The impact of the development of social responsibility and sustainable digital marketing on the financial component of business processes in the conditions of the digital economy
social responsibility of business, sustainable development, sustainable marketing, business transformation, financial component, digital economyAbstract
An integral and strategically important part of the activities of Ukrainian enterprises is the implementation of social responsibility business practices and sustainable marketing. These practices not only have a positive impact on society and the environment, but also contribute to strengthening the competitiveness of enterprises. The purpose of the article is to develop methodological recommendations for the implementation of social responsibility practices and sustainable digital marketing. Within the framework of this study, key aspects of business transformation resulting from the implementation of social responsibility practices and sustainable marketing were analyzed. It was determined that these practices not only affect the external image of companies, but also become strategic factors that shape their business models and financial results. The main stages that should be taken into account in the process of implementing social responsibility (CSR) in the company's activities are substantiated. The impact of social responsibility on business in the modern digital world is studied, focusing on the model of sustainable digital marketing. The application of sustainable marketing makes significant changes in business strategy. Businesses are actively using digital technologies to promote their sustainable and environmentally friendly products. Interacting with customers and consumers through digital channels allows you to effectively broadcast the values and benefits of sustainability, which can positively affect brand perception and increase its popularity. The article develops a model of sustainable digital marketing, the feature of which is a comprehensive and integrated approach to the implementation of marketing strategies in the digital environment. The model illustrates the hierarchical structure of sustainable digital marketing, where each level interacts with others to achieve the common goal of implementing sustainable principles in the company's marketing strategies and projects. The following levels are highlighted in the model: informing; popularization; mobilization; infrastructure; support of special groups; responsibility and ethics. The use of the sustainable marketing model activates the competitiveness of the enterprise.Key words: automotive industry, external factors of influence, development trends, dynamics of car manufacturing.
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