Strategic analysis tools in enterprise management: overview, classification, selection criteria
strategic analysis, strategic analysis tools, methods, management, enterprise, strategy, classificationAbstract
Strategic Analysis is a crucial element in enterprise management, aiding in identifying optimal pathways for development, competitive advantages, and innovative opportunities. The examination of strategic analysis tools, their classification, and criteria for selection are key aspects for enterprises seeking effective adaptation to changes in the business environment. The research aims to provide a comparative characterization of the strategic analysis toolkit, develop approaches for its classification and systematization, and formulate criteria for selecting analysis methods. The study is grounded in various methods, including analysis and synthesis, abstraction from abstract to concrete, differentiation and integration, induction and deduction, systemic analysis, comparison, classification, and systematization. The article conducts a survey of traditional and contemporary strategic analysis tools, elucidating their essence and characteristics, providing examples of usage, and outlining strengths and weaknesses. It identifies the interconnections between different tools, suggesting effective combinations of specific methods and models to achieve particular analysis objectives. New approaches to the classification and systematization of strategic analysis methods based on different criteria are proposed. Specifically, the strategic analysis toolkit is categorized into three types: environmental scanning and competition analysis, internal/external analysis, and innovations, changes, and market disruptions. Recommendations are offered for selecting strategic analysis tools tailored to different types of enterprises, adapting to changes in the external environment, developing successful strategies under conditions of uncertainty, improving the accuracy and reliability of analysis results, and ensuring the suitability of strategic analysis methods for sustainable development. Ethical considerations in the application of strategic analysis methods are also addressed. The research results are expected to be beneficial for managers across various types of enterprises in choosing effective strategic analysis tools to derive accurate conclusions. The authors' future investigations will focus on refining strategic analysis methods and developing new tools that align with contemporary business environment requirements and account for factors of the fourth industrial revolution, such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, blockchain, and others.
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