Some aspects of socio-economic determinants of health




equity, inequality, health, determinants, work, social security


Inequality in health includes the difference between the most prosperous group - for example, the richest, most powerful - and everyone else, not just between the most well-off and the least well-off groups. Achieving health equity means striving to eliminate such health disparities/inequalities.

Purpose: To determine the influence of socio-economic determinants on human health. The challenge is to address health inequities, which are systematic differences in health among social groups caused by the unequal exposure and distribution of social determinants of health. They persist between and within countries despite efforts to reduce them. Advocacy is a means of promoting policies that improve health equity. Methodologically, a system approach, structuring is used, the impact of economic inequality on human health is considered: unequal living conditions, employment, working conditions. Outcomes: By ensuring fair employment and decent working conditions, government, employers and workers can help eradicate poverty, reduce social inequality, reduce exposure to physical and psychological hazards, and expand opportunities for health and well-being. And, of course, a healthy workforce helps increase productivity. Health institutions can address poverty and health through an equity and human rights framework in five general ways: (1) institutionalize the systematic and regular application of equity and human rights principles in all health sector activities 'I; (2) strengthening and expanding health care functions other than health care that create the conditions necessary for health; (3) introduction of equitable financing of health care, which should help reduce the level of poverty and at the same time expand access for the poor; (4) ensuring that health services respond effectively to the root causes of disease prevention among the poor and disadvantaged; and (5) monitoring, advocating, and taking action to address potential policy implications for health equity and human rights in all sectors affecting health, not just the health sector. Making health and health equity a shared value across all sectors is a politically challenging strategy, but one that is needed globally. Achieving health equity means striving to eliminate health disparities/inequalities. Conclusions: Actions on social determinants of health will be more effective if basic data systems are established, including regular monitoring of health inequalities and social determinants of health, as well as mechanisms that ensure understanding and application of data to develop more effective policies. systems and programs. Education and training on the social determinants of health are vitally important.

Author Biography

Nataliya Kharchenko, Poltava State Medical University

Doctor of Science in Economics, Associate Professor


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National and regional economy