Conceptual Framework for the Strategy of Further Development of the Regional Clinical Hospital




development, municipal non-profit enterprise, regional clinical hospital, strategy, cost and revenue management, material and technical base, personnel policy, cooperation with public authorities, response, healthcare reform


The conceptual principles of the strategy for further development of the regional clinical hospital are proposed, which has theoretical significance: enriches the methodological basis for the development management of a municipal non-profit enterprise (MNE) in the context of healthcare reform; takes into account the sectoral and regional context, the specifics of the supercluster hospital, as well as the results of the SWOT analysis of the MNE of the Kharkiv Regional Council (KRC) “Regional Clinical Hospital” (RCH); specifies its vision and mission, as well as the goals, values, stages of the strategy and a set of measures in priority areas (improvement of cost and revenue management, development of the material and technical base, development of personnel policy, improvement of cooperation with public administration authorities). Time frames and specific measures may even be fundamentally changed, depending not only on the duration and destructive consequences of the full-scale aggression of the Russian Federation, but also on economic, social, political and other factors. The favourable feedback from the staff of the RCH during its public discussion (first, a test of the proposed strategy was published on the website of the RCH, and then it was approved at the general meeting of its staff) and the subsequent consideration of the strategy at the regular session of the KRC clearly demonstrate its practical significance. The key to the successful implementation of the strategy (aligned with the vision and mission of the RCH) is the sufficiency (in time, space and by type) of resources, as well as the motivation and professionalism of the performers. After the strategy is approved, the strategy implementation plan should be developed, provisioned, and approved for each year as well as it should contain a clear list of measures, deadlines for their implementation, resources and sources of their receipt, executors and expected results. In the course of implementing the strategy, the effectiveness and efficiency of the taken measures should be monitored, and the results should be used to respond appropriately to new challenges and opportunities. Further research should be devoted to the development of theoretical provisions and practical recommendations aimed at ensuring that the MNE responds appropriately to the challenges posed by both the impact of martial law and the specifics of healthcare reform.

Author Biographies

Olexandr Melnychenko, Kharkiv National Medical University

Doctor of Sciences in Public Administration, Professor

Kostantin Loboiko, Municipal Non-Profit Enterprise of Kharkiv Regional Council 'Regional Clinical Traumatology Hospital'"

Candidate of Medical Sciences, Director

Viktoriia Staruseva, Kharkiv National Medical University

Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor


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Economics and management