Algorithmization of Managerial Actions in the Reconstructive Spatial Organization of Economic Systems in Ukraine




asset-oriented and business ecosystem approach, economic systems, natural resource and social assets, reconstructive spatial organization


A scheme of algorithmization of management actions from the reconstructive spatial organization of economic systems based on natural-resource and social assets based on an asset-oriented and business-ecosystem approach was built in the closed implementation of three stages in eleven stages: І) preparatory (three stages); II) implementation of strategies and measures (three stages: reorganization, recombination and revitalization); ІІІ) monitoring, evaluation and adjustment (five stages: monitoring and evaluation of the results of implementation of the strategy and measures of reorganization, recombination and revitalization; implementation of correction and improvement of management actions; promotion and implementation of support; expansion and scaling; ensuring stability and continuity. Developed management algorithm according to the preparatory stage, which involves three stages: the first - substantiating the requirements for the spatial organization of economic systems and the conditions for its implementation, taking into account resources and opportunities; the second - the development of complex programs related to: localization of efforts for regional and territorial development; development of human capital and formation a healthy society; development of the local economy and ensuring social stability; development of innovative and technological initiatives to increase competitiveness; ensuring energy efficiency and environmental sustainability; third - synchronous transformation and reformatting of five planes of spatial development using natural resources and social assets. The determinants of the reconstructive spatial organization of economic systems are revealed, the justification of which is based on new paradigmatic transformational ideas about sustainable management and localization of economic activity. The concept of reconstructive spatial organization of economic systems on the basis of natural-resource and social assets was formed with the adjustment of the focus of efforts according to the priorities of the rationalization of the use of strategic potential in the context of the elimination of various types of risks and threats in the post-war period.

Author Biographies

Viktoriia Mykytenko, lnstitute of lndustrial Economics of National academy of sciences of Ukraine

Doctor of Science in Economics, Professor

Margarita Chuprina, National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor


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Economics and management