Marketing Approach in Development of Talеnt Management System




Personnel Management System, Marketing Tools іn Personnel Management System, Internal Marketing, Personnel Motivation, Personnel Training and Retention


Developing and implementing an effective management strategy is a key milestone for companies due to the current economic crisis, the impact of recent pandemics, and increased competition. The current state of the economy makes internal stability and mitigation of external shocks key strategy milestones. The systematization of literature sources and approaches shows that business is becoming increasingly complex, while business processes require human resources (HR) and leadership strategies. Despite the development of IT and the introduction of IT practices in most areas of business activity, human resource management has become significantly more complex. The ability to adapt to the ever-changing business environment, flexibility and agility is becoming one of the most important features of a modern management system. The flexibility of the system depends on the talent management system (TMS), the quality of human resources (HR) and human capital (HC) of employees. The main purpose of this article is to substantiate the theoretical, methodological and practical recommendations for the use of marketing tools in enterprise personnel management. Accordingly, the result of the study is aimed at building a modern system of enterprise personnel management. The methodological tools for studying the personnel management system are: the method of analysis and synthesis; using the method of comparison, the theoretical foundations of the concept of "personnel management" are studied, and the financial indicators of the empirical basis of the study are compared; the use of the graphical method was appropriate when constructing diagrams based on the methodology of personnel management in an organization and diagrams of the organizational structure of enterprise management. Employees are a fundamental component of every company, and effective management is a key element of the company's financial stability and success. TMS is a complex process that requires precise planning to ensure the company's profitability. Currently, KMS is becoming one of the most valuable components of TMS, due to the increasing value of information and experience. Such orthodox KMS components as recruiting, training module, employee training are not enough to keep HR engaged. More and more leading companies around the world are using marketing tools as part of their KMS and TMS to address current HR challenges. The introduction of marketing tools and practices is aimed at ensuring optimal utilization of human resources, as well as creating a competitive advantage for the company by increasing the overall efficiency of employees. According to the basics of HR marketing, an employee should not only have the means of production (equipment), but also have defined goals and benchmarks for achieving them, as well as be informed about the company's goals and vision. This allows the company's HR to grow and develop their HC, see their development path in the company, and stay motivated throughout their career. The combination of traditional HR and marketing practices allows both employers and employees to gain significant benefits, such as eliminating time wastage, reducing staff turnover, and increasing retention.

Author Biographies

Sergii Savchenko, Rauf Ablyazov University East European

Doctor of Science in Economics, Professor

Olena Sukach, Rauf Ablyazov University East European

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor

Denis Alimov, JLL Technologies

Technical manager

Natalia Abliazova, Rauf Ablyazov University East European

Candidate of Economic Sciences


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Economics and management