Regulating the Impact of Comprehensive Gaming Solutions on the E-Sports Sector in Ukraine




interface resources, cost changes, gaming solutions, peripheral devices, services, peripheral usage


Comprehensive game solutions impact the esports industry through game interface resources and stressors on the esports audience. These game solutions are unique to each country as they consider the nature of operating systems and their inclusivity, communication development, coverage by major game services, etc.  Therefore, state bodies responsible for implementing state policy in economics should develop measures to regulate the impact of comprehensive game solutions in esports. The purpose of the research is to determine the features of regulating the impact of complex gaming solutions on the esports industry in Ukraine through solving the "knapsack problem".  The research findings highlight the fact that the developed complex combinatorial optimization models are ideal for illustrating the specifics of state regulation of the impact of complex gaming solutions on the esports industry and state support for complex gaming solutions. It has been proven that the need for such models arises because the implementation of complex gaming solutions in esports requires the transformation of interface resources and synthesizes costs that must be covered by the participants of the target formal groups (namely their esports audience). Noted that if the level of coverage of such costs is insufficient, from the point of view of the developer/publisher, they strive to increase it by shifting part of the costs to the esports audience. It has been established that in Ukraine, such a situation exists during the implementation of complex gaming solutions by Blizzard Entertainment, Riot Games, PUBG Corporation, and Valve Corporation. It is logical for the Ministry of Economy, together with the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, to establish requirements for the level of coverage of expenses for the transformation of interface resources. It will help prevent situations where this creates extreme pressure on the esports audience, in particular, limiting the development of the developer/publisher's target formal groups and provoking unauthorized game activity by gamers, which changes the player's behavior by using specially created or modified programs to reduce the gamer's expenses during the game and gain advantages.

Author Biographies

Ivan Chyzmar, Ferenc Rakoczi II Transcarpathian Hungarian College of Higher Education (FR II THCHE)

PhD, Vice-Rector for Economic and Educational Affairs

Robert Bacho, Ferenc Rakoczi II Transcarpathian Hungarian College of Higher Education (FR II THCHE)

Doctor of Science in Economics, Professor

Aniko Chegil, Ferenc Rakoczi II Transcarpathian Hungarian College of Higher Education (FR II THCHE)



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