Selected Aspects of the Unfair Struggle for Job Positions




unfair struggle for job positions, economics, ethics of management, organizational culture


The topic of unfair competition for job positions is a significant yet underexplored issue within the domains of managerial and business ethics. This study aims to shed light on this problem by examining three core themes related to unethical struggles for job positions. The first theme addresses the barriers that inhibit effective prevention of unethical behavior in the workplace. The study aims to identify these barriers reliably and explore specific reasons that obstruct efforts to curb such behavior. The second theme investigates the intricate relationship between ethical codes and unethical competition for positions. Not all ethical codes are effective; some may inadvertently support behaviors that allow managers to abuse their power to eliminate potential rivals. This phenomenon, known as “hidden bossing”, involves managers using mandatory but ethically dubious behavior models, combined with sanctions, as tools for maintaining control and stifling competition. The study underscores the need for ethical codes that explicitly address the selection mechanisms for managerial positions, including the imposition of sanctions for violations of these codes. The third theme focuses on identifying the personality traits of individuals prone to using unfair means to climb the corporate ladder. Traits such as egotism, primary and secondary narcissism, and a tendency toward manipulative behavior are examined. The research delves into the psychological underpinnings of these traits, highlighting how self-centered personalities and individuals with narcissistic personality disorder are more likely to engage in unethical competition. The results of this research have significant implications for organizational culture and management practices. By identifying the barriers to ethical behavior and the personality traits associated with unethical competition, the study offers practical recommendations for fostering a more ethical workplace. These include the development of ethical codes that are integrated with organizational policies and the promotion of a culture of accountability and ethical responsibility.

Author Biographies

Мarian Аmbrozy, College of International Business ISM Slovakia in Prešov

PhD, Associate Professor, Vicerector

Zuzana Kuběnová, College of International Business ISM Slovakia in Prešov



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Economics and management