The possibility of developing the knowledge triangle in the county of Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg




knowledge triangle, globalization, educational and regional development


The rapid globalization in the 20th century hastened the realization that by entering the world economy, we can simultaneously experience the feeling of vulnerability and the freedom of opportunities. The European Union was created as a continental response to globalization, which tries to find ways to strengthen its competitiveness in response to the challenges of the globalizing economy. In this, the work of researchers in the economic and social sciences and the modernization of the institutional systems of the affected areas are both of great importance. Due to historical precedents, both the economic development and the standard of living of society are lower than the EU average, which is why it is especially important to achieve a balance with appropriate development programs. This is similarly important in the leveling regions within the country, such as in the county of Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg. In the first years of the system change, the labor market was the main inspiration for educational development. It was then that the new public service and professional administration organizations and institutions were created, where large numbers of professionals were expected, and from which, in order to keep their jobs, many of those who were already working there also sat in the classroom. Within its own framework, the University of Nyíregyháza tries to adapt its innovation activity called the knowledge triangle (research and education together with economic actors) to the development objectives of the region, and to promote it at all times. This study aims to present an opportunity for cooperation in education and research development, the primary purpose of which is to find synergies within the county, as well as to present the possibilities of higher education in order to support the local labor market - in the spirit of the knowledge triangle.

Author Biographies

Ágnes Kósáné Bilanics, University of Nyíregyháza


Magdolna Láczay, University of Debrecen

Candidate of Sciences, Professor-emeritus


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Economics and management