Approaches to Identifying Functional Systems of E-sports Organizations and Fundamental Principles of Their Evolution




production and economic activities, e-sports discipline, relatedness of e-sports organizations, gameplay process, e-sports service


To develop e-sports and its organization, important to conduct a comprehensive analysis that includes two key components. The first component is the system genesis of functional systems, which involves investigating the overall state of esports organizations (cybersport) in terms of their production and economic activities. The second component is the ontogenesis of the internal development of esports organizations, which involves studying their evolution from the moment of formation to the possibility of dissolution. These two directions of analysis provide a deep understanding of the production and economic processes within the target formal groups of esports organizations and communities of game publishers/developers, their internal connections, and their impact on the quality of the e-sports game (as the main e-product) and on the quality of organizing events that take place in the virtual space. The purpose of this study is to systematize and analyze contemporary approaches that can be used to identify the state of functional systems within esports organizations and the basic principles of their evolution. The research revealed that in the context of e-sports, the detailing of production, supply, and consumption organization processes of e-products does not adhere to classical definitions. Under ordinary circumstances, production involves the physical creation of material goods, the supply process entails the transfer of these goods from producer to consumer, and consumption organization involves creating comfortable conditions for their useHowever, in the realm of esports, all these processes have an immaterial nature. The author has demonstrated that according to the majority of operations of digital game publishers/developers, arenas, clubs, and training centers/boot camps for e-sports teams, the production of e-games is integrated into processes of parallel transmission of produced content to the end consumer and organizing their consumption through specialized gaming online and offline zones. The processes of production, supply, and consumption organization of e-products in the esports industry are specific, requiring the identification of the state of production, supply, and consumption organization processes based on the content of the work they entail. Given the adaptability of the mathematical model, the optimal approach to identifying the state of production and economic activities of esports organizations would be based on the content of their work and the course of evolution in their development, considering parameters such as cost and profitability grounded in dynamic programming methods.

Author Biographies

Ivаn Chyzmar, PhD, Vice-Rector for Economic and Educational Affairs

Ferenc Rakoczi II Transcarpathian Hungarian College of Higher Education (FR II THCHE)

Robert Bacho, Ferenc Rakoczi II Transcarpathian Hungarian College of Higher Education (FR II THCHE)

Doctor of Science in Economics, Professor

Gabriella Loskorikh, Ferenc Rakoczi II Transcarpathian Hungarian College of Higher Education (FR II THCHE)



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