Statistical Methodology for Measuring Financial Literacy Among Youth in Zakarpattia




Hungarian youth in Zakarpattia, CEBP, financial literacy, measurement, development, OECD countries, PISA


It has become almost impossible to understand international events without being aware of and following financial and basic economic processes. Trends on a global level are a function of the economy, and recently this tendency has extended to individual perspectives, becoming a part of our everyday lives. Financial literacy is a component of every profession and lifestyle, and without it, it is difficult to plan an individual life path, manage a household, or, where applicable, run a business. In today’s modern world, financial literacy has become a key to success. This is further proved by ongoing surveys in OECD countries, initially targeting only the adult population, and later expanding to assess competencies in 15-year-olds through PISA measurements. This study examines the findings from these surveys and related analyses. In Zakarpattia, financial literacy courses have been offered to high school students for the past four years, with demand and relevance growing annually. Given the importance of the topic, the decision was made to evaluate students' knowledge before and after participation in the courses. In 2024, with support from the Hungarian Academy of Sciences under the National Program, a sub-program titled 'Competence – Education – Balance – Perspective' (CEBP) was initiated, under which financial literacy assessments were conducted. Results indicate that such educational programs significantly affect young people's decision-making, economic behavior, and perceptions. This study (1) presents a preliminary analysis, (2) details the research methodology and implementation, and (3) compares findings with previous studies. The final report reviews the overall research process and publishes primary data, while future analyses will continue evaluating results and exploring cause-and-effect relationships.

Author Biographies

Habor Pataki, Ferenc Rakoczi II Transcarpathian Hungarian College of Higher Education (FR II THCHE)

Graduate student

Kornélia Hires-László, Ferenc Rakoczi II Transcarpathian Hungarian College of Higher Education (FR II THCHE)



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